English Grammar Support

Members of our speaking club are able to receive English grammar support from the trainer hosting our daily online meetings in order to help them with their understanding of English grammar.

We really encourage people studying English to learn as much as possible independently and then provide them with the opportunity to practise and improve during our Zoom meetings

For example, we strongly recommend this splendid series of grammar videos by Charles Mercer

Read and listen exercises to improve comprehension are included, plus grammar exercises and some things you didn’t know about the English language.

Charles is a retired EFL teacher with 15 years experience teaching in Cambridge UK.

Recommended Resources for independent grammar learning

If you would like to join our community, please simply complete the registration form below and you will then be able to book an initial 30 minute online meeting in order to

  • get to know each other,
  • evaluate your current level
  • answer any questions you have about our website
  • help you to use lots of top quality free online resources &
  • connect you with suitable speaking practice partners within a friendly community of motivated learners.                               
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